The N terminus of SCD contains a signal that targets the construct for rapid degradation. (A Upper) Fluorescence of SCD 1–33-GFP before and after cycloheximide treatment. The construct rapidly disappears from the cytosol. Lower shows the increased stability of C-terminal deletion construct SCD 1–27-GFP. (B) A flow cytometric analysis of the fluorescence stabilities of SCD 1–33-GFP and SCD 1–27-GFP. The percentage of cells deemed fluorescent is indicated. (C) Comparison of the degradation rates of SCD-GFP constructs. The percentage of fluorescent cells after the indicated time of cycloheximide treatment was plotted for each of the expressed constructs. Solid circles, GFP; open squares, SCD 45–358-GFP; solid squares, SCD 1–27-GFP; diamonds, SCD 27–358-GFP; open circles, SCD 1–358-GFP; and crosses, SCD 1–33-GFP. The table shows fluorescent cells for each time point as a percentage of initial fluorescence. (D) Primary structure of N terminus of rat liver microsomal SCD.