IFTA-1 localizes to ciliary structures in C. elegans and to the basal body/centrosomal region of mammalian kidney cells. (A and B) GFP-tagged IFTA-1 localizes specifically at the base of cilia (transition zones or basal bodies) and along the ciliary axonemes of C. elegans ciliated neurons. Shown are fluorescence images of one set of phasmid neurons in the nematode tail (A), and one set of amphid cilia in nematode head (B), with the cell bodies (cb), dendrites (den), transition zones (tz), and ciliary axonemes (cil) indicated. (C) GFP-tagged H. sapiens IFTA-1 localizes at the basal bodies and centrosomes of mammalian kidney cells. Shown are coimmunofluorescence images of ICMD3 cells expressing an H. sapiens ifta1::gfp transgene. Top, antibodies to endogenous γ-tubulin and acetylated α-tubulin detect centrosomes/basal bodies (red, bracket) and ciliary axonemes (red, arrowhead), respectively. Middle, GFP-tagged IFTA1 displays punctate fluorescence (brackets), consistent with its localization at basal bodies and centrosomes. Bottom, merged red and green fluorescence images demonstrate colocalization of basal bodies/centrosomes and GFP-tagged IFTA1 (yellow, bracket).