Figure 10.
Association of mod21p with γ-TuC requires both gfh1p and alp16p, whereas association of gfh1p with γ-TuC requires only alp16p. Anti-HA coimmunoprecipitations of Myc-tagged mod21p (A) or Myc-tagged gfh1p with HA-tagged γ-TuC components alp4p or alp6p (B), in strains with the indicated genotypes. alp4-HA and alp6-HA strains were used in separate experiments, with the results from alp4-HA strains shown in the top panels of A and B, and the results from alp6-HA strains shown in the bottom panels of A and B. For alp4-HA and alp6-HA, “−” indicates negative control strains with untagged protein; for mod22, “−” indicates the mod22-1 allele. For other genes, wild-type or deletion alleles are as indicated.