Table 2.
Stage of HIV Disease at Time of First Positive HIV Test, Southeast Michigan, 1992–2002
n | Proportion with CD4 < 200* | Unadjusted Odds Ratios for CD4 < 200 (95% CI)†† | Proportion with O. I.‡‡ | Unadjusted Odds Ratios for O. I. (95% CI) | ||
Sex | Man (referent) | 1111 | 54% | .59 (.49–.71) | 23% | .52 (.40–.66) |
Woman | 747 | 41% | 13% | |||
Race | White (referent) | 348 | 49% | 1.03 (.81–1.30) | 19% | .98 (.73–1.32) |
Black | 1510 | 49% | 19% | |||
Age | < 30 (referent) | 451 | 35% | 2.09 (1.68–2.61) | 15% | 1.46 (1.09–1.95) |
>/= 30 | 1407 | 54% | 20% | |||
Pregnancy | Nonpregnant woman (referent) | 611 | 47% | .19 (.11–.33) | 16% | –§ |
Pregnant woman | 120 | 14% | 0% | |||
HIV-transmission risk factors| | IDU | 548 | 52% | Referent¶ | 18% | Referent¶ |
MSM | 701 | 53% | 1.05 (.84–1.32) | 23% | 1.39 (1.05–1.85) | |
All heterosexual | 381 | 39% | .60 (.46–.79) | 11% | .58 (.40–.86) | |
Others | 228 | 47% | .84 (.61–1.14) | 24% | 1.50 (1.03–2.18) | |
Overall | 1858 | 49% | 19% |
CD4 < 200, first CD4+ T-cell count < 200 cells/mm3
CI = confidence interval. 95% CI's are from chi-square tests; results significant at this level are in bold type.
O. I. = opportunistic illness, ie, diagnosis within a month of first positive HIV test of any AIDS-defining illness according to the 1993 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surveillance case definition of AIDS.[13]
No pregnant women had a history of AIDS-defining illness.
IDU = injection drug users (including men who have sex with men as well as inject drugs); MSM = men who have sex with men; all heterosexual, both high-risk heterosexual (persons who have heterosexual contact with persons known to be HIV-positive or to have a risk factor for HIV infection) and presumed heterosexual (persons who have heterosexual contact and do not have any other known risk factors); others, persons with blood contact or no identified risk
Odds ratios and confidence intervals from the logistic regression comparing each transmission-risk category with the referent, IDU, without other covariates