Figure 6.
(A) Representation of CICD residues in the structure of human hemoglobin. The two α and two β subunits are colored in magenta and yellow, respectively. CICD residues belonging to α subunits are located at the α1β1 (α2β2) interfaces (inside the hemoglobin central cavity, green) and at the interfaces α1β2 (α2β1) (red), whereas those from β subunits are part of the α1β1 (α2β2) and α1β2 (α2β1) interfaces (blue). (B) CICD residues forming part of the network of statistically coupled residues, as identified by Ranganathan and collaborators. The two α and two β subunits are colored in magenta and yellow, respectively. CICD residue Phe98 belonging to both α subunits is shown in green, and forms part of the network of coupled residues.