How long have you had problems with constipation?
On average, how often do you have a bowel movement? What is the longest time interval you've gone without having a bowel movement?
How many bowel movements do you have each week?
What is your main complaint? Reduced stool frequency, hard stools, excessive straining?
What do you consider “normal” bowel frequency and quality? Does your family's opinion differ in this regard?
What is your typical daily intake of dietary fiber or fiber supplements?
How physically active are you?
Do you use physical maneuvers and positioning, such as digital manipulation or squatting, to relieve your symptoms?
What (GI-related) diagnostic tests or studies have been performed for this problem?
What medications have you previously taken for constipation? Were they effective? Did you experience any adverse effects after their use?
What OTC and prescription medications are you currently taking?
What other medical conditions do you currently suffer from?
What is your surgical history? Have you had abdominal surgery? Back surgery?
What is your obstetrical history?
What is your family history? Do any relatives have colon cancer or inflammatory bowel disease?
Have you been anxious or depressed lately?
What are your strategies for dealing with stress?
What are your goals?