Figure 3.
Enhanced signaling through the MEK/ERK pathway is rescued by expressing UAS-NF1 in neurons. (A) Western blot showing elevated p-ERK and p-MEK, but not p-Akt1, in NF1-deficient third instar or adult CNS compared with w1118 controls. Lysates were prepared from w1118 or NF1E2 larval CNS (lanes 1,2), from w1118 (lane 3), or from NF1E2 (lanes 4,5) adult heads. The extract in lane 5 was incubated for 15 min at 37°C with 20 U of alkaline phosphatase (Roche Diagnostics) prior to electrophoresis. (B) p-ERK levels are not elevated in NF1-deficient wing discs. (C) Rescue of female pupal size (n = 30) upon expression of UAS-NF1 under the control of the ubiquitous Act5C-GAL4 or the neuronal elav-GAL4 or c23-GAL4 drivers, but not upon repo-GAL4-driven glial cell expression rescue. (*) p < 0.0001, Student t-test. (D) Pupal size rescue correlates with rescue of the third instar CNS p-ERK phenotype. (E) Third instar CNS p-ERK/ERK ratio determined by densitometric scanning of films from three experiments. (*) p < 0.05, Student t-test.