Schematic representation of experimental design. (A) Encoding phase. During each scanned encoding phase, volunteers made animacy judgments (living or non-living?) to a series of words presented one at a time, in one of four colors (red, green, blue and pink) and quadrants of the screen. Color and location of the stimuli were orthogonally varied. To direct processing emphasis towards the color of the stimuli (see Experimental Procedures), an additional set of words (accounting for one fifth of the total) were pseudorandomly interspersed among the critical study items. These words were presented in black and volunteers were instructed to perform size judgments (bigger or smaller than a shoebox?). Subsequent memory for these words was not tested. (B) Retrieval phase. Immediately following each encoding phase, volunteers made recognition memory judgments (old or new?) to studied and unstudied words. If a word was judged old, source judgments for color and location were required.