Mean THg in fish muscle vs. baseline-adjusted δ15N for fishes from Moab Lake in 1994, 2001, 2003. (A) THg concentration (dry weight). (B) THg concentration (wet weight). CCCG, Canadian Commercial Consumption Guideline; CFCG, Canadian Frequent Consumption Guideline (human health protection). (C) Mean THg for homogenized whole rainbow trout (RT) from Moab Lake vs. baseline-adjusted δ15N in 1993, 2001, and 2003. ww, wet weight; CRTG, Canadian Tissue Residue Guideline (wildlife health protection); LT, lake trout; BLT, bull trout; CI, cisco. Error bars show standard error. We assumed that fish THg concentrations were MeHg concentrations because >85% of Hg in fish is MeHg (6).