Ligation of CD46 on naïve CTL by bystander cells expressing measles hemagglutinin affects T cell function in response to TCR stimulation. (A) Naïve CTL were incubated with L or LH (L cells expressing measles hemagglutinin) cells for 60 min, and cell conjugates were immunolabeled for CD46 and tubulin or CD3. Images are representative of two experiments. (Scale bar: 10 μm.) (B) Naïve CTL were incubated with L or LH cells for 60 min, beads were added for 90 min (antibody coated or not), and the supernatant was assayed for IFN-γ. Mean ± SD of triplicate samples is shown and are representative of three experiments using cells from three donors. (C) Diagrammatic representation of effects of polarity on TCR signaling. (i) Represents canonical polarization toward the site of TCR ligation, (ii) Represents polarization toward the site of CD46 ligation by LH cells, which reduces CD3 polarization to the TCR and decreases IFN-γ production.