Effect of AtEXP10 transgenes on rosette and leaf growth. (A) Rosettes from 35-day-old T2 plants. The sense plant (S) shown here is the progeny of the T1 line with the largest rosette size (11–12 cm), as shown in Fig. 5C; the AS plant is from the T1 line with most severely malformed leaves; and the AC plant is from the T1 line with smallest rosette size (2–3 cm) but with mildly deformed leaves. (B) Alignment of rosette leaves of transgenic plants shown in A, arranged left to right from first to last leaves to emerge. (C) Distribution of rosette size in the T1 generation of transgenic plants. The number of plants observed is 71 (AC), 64 (AS), 48 (AS35), 35 (C), and 51 (S). The maximum rosette size was measured at 50–60 days after sowing. (D) Growth kinetics of T2 plants. Each curve represents an independent transgenic line, and each data point is the average of measurements from 7 to 10 plants. The maximum rosette sizes of the T1 lines selected for this T2 analysis (also for Table 1) were 4–6 cm for AS lines, 3–6 cm for AC lines, 2–5 cm for AS35 lines, 9–11 cm for S lines, and 8–9 cm for the C line. Col, Columbia wild type.