FIG. 2.
Phylogeny of glucokinase and hexokinase. This phylogeny shows the robust separation of glucokinase and hexokinase sequences into separate clades (demarked by the vertical bars). Monocercomonoides possesses two homologs of hexokinase; Giardia has glucokinase. Support values for these three results are in bold. In this figure and all subsequent phylogenetic analyses shown, the best Bayesian tree topology is presented. Posterior probability values, PHYML bootstrap values, and ML-corrected distance bootstrap values are provided in that order for all nodes with values better than 0.80 for posterior probability and 50% for ML and ML-corrected distance bootstrap values. Sequences from putative excavate taxa are presented in bold, Monocercomonoides sequences are boxed, and anaerobic eukaryotes are denoted by an asterisk. Multiple sequences from the same organism are denoted by numbers preceded by a period (.1, .2, etc.). Accession numbers for all sequences used in the analyses are provided in Table SA1 in the supplemental material; accession numbers for Monocercomonoides sequences are shown in Table 1.