FIG. 3.
Detailed genomic index of the four CJIEs of RM1221 in 35 strains of Campylobacter jejuni. The numbers at the bottom of the figure correspond to the strains in Table 1. The gene status is color coded as follows: blue, present; yellow, variable; red, absent; gray, no data. For cutoffs of absence and presence predictions, refer to Materials and Methods. An average linkage hierarchical clustering of the C. jejuni strains was compiled in GeneSpring version 7.3 from the CGH data for each element with the standard coefficient correlation and bootstrapping. (A) CJIE1; (B) CJIE2; (C) CJIE3; (D) CJIE4. Two sets of genes, CJE0590 to CJE0598 (CJIE2) and CJE1444 to CJE1451 (CJIE4), show a greater than 95% sequence identity between these elements. Due to this identity, we observed that the CJIE2-PCR positive strains, RM1048, RM1852, and RM2240, cross hybridized with the gene region of CJIE4. Similarly, CJIE4 PCR-positive strains, RM1046, RM1170, RM1413, RM1449, RM2229, and RM2232, cross hybridized with the gene region of CJIE2 (data not shown). We also observed this cross hybridization for CJE0550 and CJE1421, genes encoding putative DNA methyltransferases. Thus, all of these genes were removed from the cluster analysis and are not represented in the figure.