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. 2006 Aug 30;44(11):4125–4135. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01231-06


Bacterial strains used in this study and PCR analysis of CJIE contentaa

RM no. Strain Species Animal source Country of origin Penner type(s) PCR detection of elementb
1045 ATCC 43429 Campylobacter jejuni Human ? HS:1
1046 ATCC 43430 Campylobacter jejuni Calf ? HS:2 +
1047 ATCC 43431 Campylobacter jejuni Human ? HS:3 +
1048 ATCC 43432 Campylobacter jejuni Human Canada HS:4 +
1050 ATCC 43449 Campylobacter jejuni Human Canada HS:23 +
1052 ATCC 43456 Campylobacter jejuni Human ? HS:36
1155 CjT1 Campylobacter jejuni Human Canada ND
1156 CjT2 Campylobacter jejuni Human Canada ND + +
1158 CjT5 Campylobacter jejuni Human Canada ND
1160 CjT7 Campylobacter jejuni Human Canada ND
1163 CjT11 Campylobacter jejuni Human Israel HS:53 +
1167 CjT28 Campylobacter jejuni Human Canada HS:37
1170 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States HS:31 + +
1188 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States HS:2 + +
1221 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States HS:53 + + + +
1244 90A2737 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States ND
1245 96A5046 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States HS:19,38
1246 92A3120 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States HS:7 +
1247 96A11074 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States HS:4,13,64,66
1248 96A14504 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States HS:4,13,50,64
1285 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States HS:19
1409 Campylobacter jejuni Turkey United States HS:4,64
1413 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States HS:10 + + +
1437 Campylobacter jejuni Turkey United States HS:11 + +
1443 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States HS:38,63
1449 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States HS:4,13,19,50,65 + +
1464 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States HS:4,5,13,16,19 + +
1477 D445 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States HS:19,38 +
1478 D226 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States HS:2 +
1479 EDL18 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States HS:17,23,36
1480 D1117 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States HS:2 +
1501 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States ND
1503 ATCC 43462 Campylobacter jejuni Human Canada HS:43 + +
1507 LCDC 17384 Campylobacter jejuni Human Germany HS:10
1508 LCDC 17385 Campylobacter jejuni Human Germany HS:53 +
1510 LCDC 17402 Campylobacter jejuni Human Japan HS:19 +
1511 LCDC 17403 Campylobacter jejuni Human Japan HS:19 +
1516 ATCC 33560 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States HS:23,36 +
1551 ATCC 43433 Campylobacter jejuni Human ? HS:5
1552 ATCC 43434 Campylobacter jejuni Human Canada HS:6
1553 ATCC 43435 Campylobacter jejuni Human ? HS:7
1554 ATCC 43436 Campylobacter jejuni Human Canada HS:8
1555 ATCC 43437 Campylobacter jejuni Goat ? HS:9
1556 ATCC 43438 Campylobacter jejuni Human ? HS:10
1844 D135 Campylobacter jejuni Human Canada ND
1845 D140 Campylobacter jejuni Human Japan ND +
1847 D142 Campylobacter jejuni Sheep United States ND
1849 D781 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States ND +
1850 D983 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States ND + +
1851 D1038 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States ND
1852 D1420 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States ND + + +
1853 D1713 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States ND + +
1854 D1916 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States ND + +
1860 L18 Campylobacter jejuni ? ? HS:55
1861 L19 Campylobacter jejuni ? ? HS:42,15
1862 NCTC 11168 Campylobacter jejuni Human United Kingdom HS:2
1863 81116 Campylobacter jejuni Human United Kingdom HS:6
1864 81-176 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States HS:23,36
1866 D1917 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States ND +
1868 D2990 Campylobacter jejuni Human United States ND + +
1892 K21 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States ND + + +
2227 72522 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States HS:15 +
2229 72737 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States HS:34 + +
2232 72927 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States ND + + +
2239 75009 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States ND + +
2240 75059 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States ND + +
2769 Campylobacter jejuni Chicken United States ND +
1505 ATCC 49299 Campylobacter coli ? ? HS:61 +
1531 ATCC 43478 Campylobacter coli Marmoset ? HS:28 + +
1532 ATCC 43482 Campylobacter coli Human United States HS:46 + +
1533 ATCC 43485 Campylobacter coli Human United States HS:49
1857 D2611 Campylobacter coli Human ? ND +
1858 D2699 Campylobacter coli Human ? ND
1865 D118 Campylobacter coli Human ? ND
1876 ATCC 43473 Campylobacter coli Human Belgium HS:14 +
1878 ATCC 43474 Campylobacter coli Human Canada HS:20 +
1897 1926 Campylobacter coli Swine United States ND
2225 72231 Campylobacter coli Chicken United States ND
2228 72664 Campylobacter coli Chicken United States HS:34 +

Strains in boldface type were examined by microarray. ND, Penner type not determined; ?, unknown.


+, element present; −, element absent.

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