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. 2006 Dec 1;7:526. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-7-526

Table 1.

Clinico Pathological Data

Case Gender Age Tumour location Karnovski score Histology Treatment Follow up (weeks) Status
1 – O1 M 27 right frontal 80 Oligodendroglioma grade II Incomplete surgical resection 884 alive and well
2 – O20 F 69 left temporal 80 Oligodendroglioma grade II subtotal surgical resection, radiotherapy and chemotherapy 99 alive
3 – O4 F 50 right frontal 80 Oligodendroglioma grade II complete surgical resection, radiotherapy 216 alive and well
4 – O23 F 59 left frontal 80 Oligodendroglioma grade II subtotal surgical resection and radiotherapy 135 alive and well
5 – O19 M 24 right frontal 90 Mixed oligoastrocytoma grade II complete surgical resection, radiotherapy 306 alive and well
6 – O15 M 56 left frontal 60 Mixed oligoastrocytoma grade II complete surgical resection, radiotherapy, chemotherapy 35 dead of tumour recurrence
7 – O10 F 30 right frontal 70 Mixed oligoastrocytoma grade II complete surgical resection and radiotherapy 198 alive and well
8 – O7 M 32 left frontal 80 Mixed oligoastrocytoma grade II complete surgical resection, radiotherapy 643 alive and well
9 – O8 M 38 left temporal 90 Mixed oligoastrocytoma grade II subtotal surgical resection, radiotherapy, chemotherapy 50 dead of tumour recurrence
10 – O6 F 47 left temporal 80 Mixed oligoastrocytoma grade II complete surgical resection 143 alive and well
11 – O16 F 31 right parietal 80 Astrocytoma grade II complete surgical resection 105 alive and well after 1 recurrence
12 – AD6 M 40 left temporo-occipital 80 Astrocytoma grade II complete surgical resection 169 alive and well
13 – AD9 M 38 left frontal 90 Astrocytoma grade II complete surgical resection 136 recurrence
14 – AD10 M 70 left temporal 80 Astrocytoma grade II complete surgical resection and radiotherapy 90 recurrence (PET Scan)
15 – AD11 M 25 left temporal 80 Astrocytoma grade II subtotal surgical resection 137 recurrence (PET scan)
16 – AD12 M 34 left temporal 80 Astrocytoma grade II complete surgical resection 25 alive and well
17 – O2 F 26 right frontal 80 Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma complete surgical resection, chemotherapy 310 dead of tumour recurrence
18 – O3 M 21 right frontal 90 Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma subtotal surgical resection and chemotherapy 867 recurrence
19 – O17 F 24 left temporal 80 Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma complete surgical resection and chemotherapy 578 alive and well
20 – O18 F 45 right parietal 80 Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma subtotal surgical resection and chemotherapy 105 dead of tumour recurrence
21 – O9 F 46 left parietal 80 Anaplastic oligodendroglioma complete surgical resection and chemotherapy 624 dead of tumour recurrence
22 – O24 M 57 left fronto-temporal 80 Anaplastic Oligoastrocytoma complete surgical resection and radiotherapy 15 alive and well
23 – O12 F 27 left temporal 60 Anaplastic Astrocytoma complete surgical resection and radiotherapy 6 dead of cerebral venous thrombosis
24 – AA3 F 25 right frontal 80 Anaplastic Astrocytoma complete surgical resection, chemotherapy 307 dead of tumour recurrence
25 – AA6 F 36 left fronto-temporal 80 Anaplastic Astrocytoma subtotal surgical resection and radiotherapy 447 alive and well
26 – AA5 M 44 right temporal 90 Anaplastic Astrocytoma subtotal surgical resection and chemotherapy 74 alive and well