Fig. 1.
Immunoblot of skin proteins reacted with antibodies against myosin and actin. A) Rat dorsal skin proteins (lanes 1, 3) or mystacial pad proteins (lanes 2, 4), obtained from the animals at postpartum day 7, were reacted with mouse monoclonal antibody (clone A4) against human skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain (lanes 1, 2) or were reacted with rabbit polyclonal antibody (BT561) against human platelet myosin heavy chain (lane 3, 4). B) Rat dorsal skin proteins (lane 1) or mystacial pad proteins (lane 2), obtained from the animals at postpartum day 7, were reacted with mouse monoclonal antibody (clone C4) against chicken gizzard actin. Lanes A5 and B3 represent the molecular weight markers (rabbit skeletal muscle myosin, 223 kDa; E. coli β-galactosidase, 116 kDa; bovine serum albumin, 66 kDa; rabbit skeletal muscle aldolase, 42 kDa; bovine erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase, 30 kDa; horse skeletal muscle myoglobin, 17 kDa).