Figure 5. Means (± One Standard Deviation) of Summary Statistics in a Sample Taken at Fixation of a Beneficial Allele.
The x-axis shows the distance from the selected site in units of R = Ner. The left column (A1–A6) shows hard sweeps (no recurrent mutation [no recurr. mut.]); the middle column (B1–B6) shows only soft sweeps (cond. on soft) for beneficial mutation rate θb = 0.1; and the right column (C1–C6) shows averages over all sweeps (hard or soft) for θb = 1.0. The statistics are from top to bottom are: 1) mean number of pairwise differences (π), 2) number of polymorphic sites (S), 3) Tajima's D, 4) Kelly's ZnS, 5) number of haplotypes K, and 6) standardized K (see text). The grey lines indicate means (thick dashed line) ± one standard deviation (thin dashed line) under neutrality. In the plots for π and S, asterisks (*) depict predicted values based on Equations 8 and 18. Parameters are as described in Methods.