Figure 5.
Spatial and temporal variation in estimated Hawaiian monk seal survival rates from combined analysis of six subpopulations. Solid lines (and dashed lines, French Frigate Shoals females), survival estimates; dotted lines, 95% confidence intervals. Survival to 1–2 years of age is presented in the top row of graphs, 3–4 years of age in the middle row and 5–17 years of age in the bottom row. Columns of graphs separate subpopulation groups that had significantly different survival rate trends over time. FFS, French Frigate Shoals; LAY, Laysan Island; LIS, Lisianski Island; PMK, Pearl and Hermes Reef, Midway Atoll, and Kure Atoll. Gender differences in survival were only detected at FFS. Note that the y-axis scale in the bottom row differs from the two rows above.