ER-α mediates the inhibitory activity of E2 on microglia
activation. MMP-9 expression in the CA1 region of wild-type
(A–C), ERβ-null (D–F), and ERα-null
(G–I) mice injected icv with saline (A, D, and
G), LPS (B, E, and H), or E2 before LPS
(C, F, and I). (J and K) Quantification of
estrogen activity on the number of MMP-9-positive (J) and
C3R-positive (K) cells per mm2 in the CA1 region of mice
with different ER genetic background. Saline, LPS, and E2 + LPS
treatments are represented as open, filled, and dashed bars, respectively.
Bars are from a single representative experiment, repeated at least three
times. Values represent the mean ± SD of cells counted in different
adjacent sections. *, P < 0.01 vs. control; **, P <
0.01 vs. LPS. (L–O) Disruption of ERα results in brain
microglia activation. Microglial cells were visualized by immunohistochemistry
of C3R on brain coronal sections of ERα-null mice at 4 mo (L
and M) or 2 mo (N and O) of age. (L)
Strong C3R staining shows a reactive phenotype in the parietal cortex (PtCx),
DG, temporal cortex (TeCx), rhinal cortex (RhCx), and amygdaloid nuclei (AN;
see arrows). (M and O) Enlargements showing the reactive
phenotype of microglia only in a 4-mo-old ERα-null mouse. Sections were
counterstained with methyl green. (Filled bars = 35 μm, dashed bars = 1.2
mm, and open bars = 7 μm.)