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. 2006 Jun;41(3 Pt 2):1045–1060. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2006.00519.x

Table 3.

Calculated Public Health Impact of Smoking Legislation on Low-Birthweight Births

Calculated 1 Year Postmandate
Target population: insured pregnant smokers 40,000
Pregnant smokers newly covered for smoking cessation (30%) 12,000
Difference in quit rates between insured and uninsured 22−14%=8%
New quitters=difference in quit rates × newly covered 1,000
Number of low-birthweight (LBW) births prevented= (smoker LBW rate (12%) non-smoker LBW rate (6%)) × number of new quitters (1,000) 60

Source: California Health Benefits Review Program. Analysis of Senate Bill 576: Tobacco Cessation Services. A report to the 2005–2006 California Legislature, April 2005.