In situ analysis of PCAF and
PCAF-B/GCN5 mRNAs in mouse embryos.
Dark-field micrographs of parasagittal sections of E10.5
(B–E) and E12.5 (G and H)
mouse embryos after hybridization with a PCAF-specific antisense probe
(B and E), a PCAF-B/GCN5-specific
antisense probe (B and G), or the respective sense probes as a control
(C and E). Bright-field micrographs of
toluidine blue-stained sections of E10.5 (A) and E12.5
(F) are also shown. Abbreviations: fb, forebrain; h,
heart; hb, hindbrain; hl, hind limb; li, liver; lu, lung; nt; neural
tube; skm, skeletal muscle. (Bar = 1 mm.)