Selected phylogenetic trees for protein families with apparent
loss of paralogs in S. cerevisiae. (A)
Cullins. (B) Cyclins (two cases of gene loss in
S. cerevisiae). (C) Rab-type GTPase.
(D) Kinesin ATPase subunit. (E) ABC
transporter ATPase subunit. (F) DinB family of DNA
repair polymerases. Circles denote nodes with at least 70% bootstrap
support. The proteins are designated by their gene identifiers (GI
numbers) in the nonredundant database and species abbreviations: Sc,
S. cerevisiae; Sp, S. pombe; Nc,
Neurospora crassa; Um, Ustilago maydis;
Dm, D. melanogaster; Ce, C. elegans; Hs,
Homo sapiens; Xl, Xenopus laevis; At,
Arabidopsis thaliana; Os, Oryza sativa.
Proteins from S. cerevisiae are color-coded blue, and
those from S. pombe are coded red.