(A) Transcription levels of Drosophila
Tep1, -2, and -4 before (c) and
after (i) an immune challenge (6 h) in wandering larvae, and in
6-day-old adult wild-type Drosophila. Five micrograms of
polyA-RNA were fractionated by electrophoresis in denaturating
agarose-formaldehyde gels. After transfer to a nylon membrane, the RNAs
were hybridized with random-primed [32P]cDNA probes
corresponding to Tep1, -2, and
-4; and Rp49 for the loading control.
(B) Transcription level of Tep1 in
different tissue extracts of immune-challenged larvae: G, gut; F, fat
body; B, brain; SG, salivary glands; C, carcass; BC, blood cells; and
L, l(2)mbn cells challenged with bacteria. DNA fragments were amplified
by PCR with specific primers of Tep1 and separated on
agarose gel. The Rp49 amplification product served as an
internal control.