The calcium increase requires extracellular calcium. Cells were placed
in nominally calcium-free buffer (not containing EGTA), and
α2M* was added at approximately t =
150 sec. No intracellular calcium increase was observed. In fact, a
small decrease was indicated. The calcium-free buffer was washed and
replaced with calcium-containing buffer (2 mM) at t
= 500 sec. After replacement of calcium,
[Ca2+]i levels increased to about 400 nM,
similar to levels normally observed after stimulation by
α2M* in calcium-containing buffers. This suggests that
α2M* was able to bind to LRP in the absence of calcium
and initiate a calcium-signaling event. The response requires
extracellular calcium, but not release of calcium from intracellular
stores. The trace is the average of n = 7 cells in
a field.