(A) The percentage of cells histochemically
expressing the markers CGRP, substance P (SP), IB4, and neurofilament
(NF) in adult wild-type and mutant DRG. (Inset) Graph
represents absolute values rather than percentage change for each
marker. Significant deficits were observed in the percentage of CGRP-
and substance P- expressing neurons, whereas the percentages of cells
expressing IB4 and NF were unchanged (t test; *,
P < 0.05; **, P
< 0.01, n = 6). It should be noted that these
markers are not completely exclusive of each other and in some cases
may colocalize in single neurons. (B) Representative
photomicrograph demonstrating fewer substance P-positive cells in the
DRG from mutant (Right) as compared with wild-type
(Left) animals.