(A) Representative photomicrographs of adjacent basal
forebrain sections in wild-type and mutant animals stained for ChAT and
TrkA, respectively, demonstrating that one-third of cholinergic neurons
are absent in the medial septum and VLDB of mutants. (B)
Photomicrographs of low- and high-power fields of the septal/diagonal
band cholinergic projections to the hippocampus of wild-type and mutant
animals stained for ChAT. Results demonstrate a striking reduction in
cholinergic innervation within the CA1 and CA2 fields and the molecular
layers of the hippocampus in the mutant animals. CA1, CA2, and CA3,
hippocampal subfields; cc, corpus callosum; DG, dentate gyrus; GrDG,
granular layer of the DG; Mol, molecular layer of the hippocampus; Or,
stratum oriens; PoDG, polymorphic layer of the DG; Py, pyramidal cell
layer of the hippocampus.