GR competes with RelA for PKAc association in vivo.
(A) GR blocks RelA:PKAc protein association in
vivo. Human 293T cells were transfected with 5 μg of CMVRelA,
5 μg of pcPKAc, and 5 μg of CMXGR or empty vector, as indicated.
Cells were mock-treated or activated with 1 μM Dex for 12 h and
harvested 48 h after transfection. (AI) Cell
lysates were immunoprecipitated with 5 μl (1 μg) of RelA sc-109
rabbit polyclonal antibody (lanes 3–6) or with the same amount of
normal rabbit IgG as control (lane 2). Immunoprecipitates were analyzed
by Western blot with PKAc-specific antibody. WCE (lane 1) were loaded
in parallel with the immunoprecipitates to show comigration.
(AII) Quantitation of PKAc coprecipitated by
RelA-specific antibody. The y axis shows the ratio of
PKAc to IgG. Quantitation is performed with NIH image
program. (AIII) Similar amount of WCE from cells
corresponding to lanes 3–6 in AI was immunostained with
GR-specific antibody (sc-1002). (AIV) The same blot
shown in AIII was stripped and reprobed with
RelA-specific antibody. (B) GR represses PKAc-dependent
NF-κB transactivation. CV1 cells were cotransfected with 120 ng of
Igk3-Luc reporter construct, 75 ng of CMXβgal, 33 ng of CMV RelA, and
increasing amount of pcPKAc expression vector, as indicated. The RSVGR
and RSVGRΔ589–697 were used at 3:1 M ratio with RelA. All of the
transfection points were equalized for the total amount of expression
vectors. The y axis shows fold activation as measured by
Igk3-driven Luc activity. The histogram is representative of a
triplicate experiment.