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Figure 2 .

Figure 2

Identification of mature MUC2 in colonic homogenates. Representative examples of analyses of the biopsy specimens of each patient group are shown: controls (specimens 1 and 2), active ulcerative colitis (UC) (specimens 3 and 4), or ulcerative colitis in remission (specimens 5 and 6). Specimens were pulse labelled with either (A) [35S]-amino acids (two duplicate specimens per patient) or (B) [35S]-sulphate (two duplicate specimens per patient) and chase incubated for four hours, followed by analysis of the homogenates of the tissue (lanes t) and of the media (lanes m) on 4% reducing SDS-PAGE. The radioactive signal of the mature MUC2 band, indicated by the right hand arrows, was quantified using a PhosphorImager, followed by exposure to x ray film (shown here). The left hand arrows denote the border between the running and stacking gel. Molecular mass markers of 600, 300, and 205 kDa are indicated on the left.