Figure 2 .
Involvement of intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM) 1 in interleukin (IL) 1β induced cell adhesion and emigration. (A) Animals were treated with 2 mg/kg mouse IgG or mouse antirat ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody one hour prior to IL-1β administration (20 ng intraperitoneally). Mesenteries were exposed two hours later, and the degree of cell adhesion (per 100 µm vessel wall) and emigration quantified by videomicroscopy. Data are mean (SEM); n=6 rats. *p<0.05 v mouse IgG group. (B) ICAM-1 expression in the mesenteric tissue as assessed by the dual antibody technique. Rats were treated with rat IL-1β (20 ng intraperitoneally) and some of them pretreated with dexamethasone (DEX) one hour prior to the cytokine. At the reported times post-IL-1β, the specific radioactivity due to endogenous ICAM-1 was determined. Data are mean (SEM); n=5 rats per group. *p<0.05 v control group (time 0); †p<0.05 v IL-1β group (time 4 h).