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Figure 3  .

Figure 3  

Purification of carp parvalbumin. (A) Purification of carp parvalbumin isoforms by DEAE chromatography monitored by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie blue staining. Parvalbumin-enriched soluble carp muscle protein fraction obtained by ammonsulphate precipitation (lane B) was applied to a DEAE column. Lanes F and W represent the flow through and column wash fractions, respectively. Lanes I-IV contain aliquots of parvalbumin fractions eluted from the DEAE column. (B) Nitrocellulose-blotted parvalbumin isoform-containing fractions I-IV were exposed to sera from three patients allergic to fish (Nos 1, 2, and 4) and to a mouse monoclonal anti-parvalbumin antibody (mαparv.).