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Figure 1  .

Figure 1  

(A)-(E) are of human intestine. (A) In vitro organ culture (IVOC) sample showing presence of dome shaped lymphoid follicle (scanning electron microscopy (SEM); bar=500 µm). (B) Colony of EPEC E2348/69 on follicle associated epithelium (FAE) (SEM; bar=5 µm). (C) EHEC strain 85-170 adhering to FAE in "log-jam" pattern (SEM; bar=1 µm). (D) Colony of EHEC strain 85-170 on FAE (SEM; bar=5 µm). (E) Attaching/effacing lesion of EHEC strain 85-170 on FAE (transmission electron microscopy (TEM); bar=0.5 µm). (F) EHEC strain 85-170 showing attaching/effacing lesion on bovine ileum (TEM; bar=0.5 µm).