(A) Spontaneous oscillation at ≈7 Hz of a hair bundle
from the bullfrog's sacculus. Note the alternation between slow bundle
movements and rapid strokes in the opposite direction.
(B) Measurement of the relation between hair-bundle
displacement (lower family of traces) and applied force (upper traces).
Under displacement-clamp conditions, a bundle was deflected distances
up to ±70 nm in steps of ≈5 nm. Seven typical responses are plotted,
each an average of 20 repetitions; the corresponding hair-bundle
displacements are given to the right. A step command initially evoked a
viscous-force transient in the direction of bundle movement; the force
then changed slowly as the bundle adapted to its new position. The
elastic response of the hair bundle was measured soon after the viscous
response had vanished but before adaptation had progressed
significantly; the measurement window of 5–10 ms from the onset of the
stimulus is enclosed by vertical dashed lines. For displacements of
±12 nm, the direction of bundle displacement was opposite in sign to
the force applied; the bundle's chord stiffness,
FSF/X, was therefore
negative. Almost no force was required to displace the bundle by ±22
nm. Finally, at ±37 nm, the bundle behaved as an ordinary spring with
positive stiffness. (C) Displacement-force relation
measured under displacement-clamp conditions. Each point represents a
bundle displacement and the corresponding force exerted by the fiber,
as averaged over the time window designated in B. The
continuous curve is the best fit of the data by Eq. 2, for
which Κ∞ = 1,090
μN⋅m−1, N = 65,
z = 0.72 pN, F0 = 25
pN, and X0 = −2.2 nm. In this and the
subsequent figure, as well as in all data analysis, the curve was not
constrained to pass through the origin.