Amplitude of left ventricular posterior wall motion and accessory pathway location before and after successful catheter ablation. Empty and filled circles indicate the amplitude of posterior wall motion before and after catheter ablation, respectively, in patients with a QRS duration of ⩾ 0.12 s. Empty and filled squares indicate the amplitude of posterior wall motion before and after catheter ablation, respectively, in patients with a QRS duration of < 0.12 s. Numbers in parentheses indicate the numbers of patients. AS, anteroseptum; CA, catheter ablation; LA, left anterior free wall; LL, left lateral free wall; LP, left posterior free wall; LPS, left posterior septum; LV, left ventricle; MS, midseptum; RA, right anterior; RAP, right anterior paraseptum; RL, right lateral; RP, right posterior, RPS, right posterior septum.