(A) The mean phylogenetic profile (8) of yeast proteins
experimentally localized (14) to different cellular locations. Each
profile (a horizontal bar of 31 elements) shows the distribution among
genomes of homologs of proteins from one subcellular location. Plasma
Mb, plasma membrane. Colors express the average degree of sequence
similarity of proteins in that organelle to their sequence homologs in
the indicated genomes, with red indicating greater average similarity
and blue indicating less, calculated as in the text. Only proteins with
at least one homolog among the genomes listed are included. The genomes
of Plasmodium and Arabidopsis are only
partially complete (≈15% and 50%, respectively). (B)
A tree of the observed relationships among the yeast proteins from
different subcellular compartments. Overlaid on the tree is our
interpretation of the relationships, showing ellipses clustering
compartments thought to be derived from the progenitor of mitochondria
(orange ellipse) and of the eukaryote nucleus (yellow ellipse). Only
proteins with a homolog among the genomes listed in A
are examined. A distance matrix was calculated of pairwise Euclidian
distances between the mean phylogenetic profiles (A) of
proteins known to be localized in each compartment. A tree was
generated from this matrix by the neighbor-joining method implemented
in PHYLIP 3.5C (J. Felsenstein, University of
Washington, Seattle).