VP16-vega1 can rescue both gsc expression
and boz phenotype. Whole-mount in situ
hybridization for vega1 (A and
B, shield stage, animal view) and gsc
(C–E, 40% epiboly stage, lateral view). Genotyping of
boz mutants was carried out by restriction fragment
polymorphism (11). (A)
bozm168/+ phenotypically wild type.
(B) bozm168/m168 mutant.
(C) Uninjected wild-type embryo. (D)
Uninjected bozm168/m168 embryo. Expression
of gsc was suppressed in all uninjected
boz embryos (n = 15).
(E) VP16-vega1 mRNA (100pg) was injected
into one-cell stage of embryos obtained from a
bozm168/m168 ×
bozm168/m168 cross. Expansion of
gsc was observed in all
VP16-vega1-injected boz embryos (100%,
n = 39). (F) Suppression of
boz phenotype by VP16-vega1 injection.
VP16-vega1 mRNA (50 pg) was injected into one-cell stage
of embryos obtained from bozm168/m168
× bozm168/m168 crosses. The
boz phenotype was classified by morphological criteria
at 30 hpf as described previously (11). The number of uninjected and
VP16-vega1-injected embryos was 59 and 85, respectively.
Class V has a small break in trunk notochord with normal head
structure; there is a two-to-several somite wide gap in the trunk
notochord of class IV; class III shows partial cyclopia with anterior
head deficiency and usually a large gap in the trunk notochord.
Essentially identical results were obtained in several independent