The relationship between survivorship, net reproductive rate, and
matriline size by site. The relationships are described by significant
second order polynomials. For survivorship, Y =
−0.553 + 1.248X −
0.311X2; P =
0.006, R2 = 0.67; for
Ro, Y = −2.388 +
3.281X −
0.865X2; P = 0.018,
R2 = 0.59. The names of the 12 sites
where matrilines were observed are abbreviated on the figure: CC,
Copper Creek; BR, Beaver Talus; NP, North Picnic; RA, River Annex; BD,
Bend; MM, Marmot Meadow; UP, Upper Picnic; CL, Cliff; GO, Gothic
Townsite; LP, Lower Picnic; BO, Boulder; RI, River.