Severe osteopenia in Col1a1-SOX9-N transgenic mice and RUNX2 target gene expression in CMD1 cartilage. (a) Radiographic analysis of skeletons from wild-type and Col1a1-SOX9-N transgenic line A mice at 2 weeks old. (b) Smaller size of Col1a1-SOX9-N transgenic line B mice compared with wild-type littermate controls at 6 weeks old. (c) Low bone mass demonstrated by von Kossa staining of undecalcified vertebral sections and reduced number of osteoblasts and bone formation rate revealed by histomorphometric analysis of trabecular bone formation parameters in Col1a1-SOX9-N transgenic line B mice (TG) compared with wild-type mice (WT) at 6 weeks old. (d) Real-time RT-PCR assay for gene expression in CMD1 cartilage. Each real-time RT-PCR experiment was performed in triplicate, and one representative set of results is presented here, with SD shown by error bars. Analysis of the results, i.e., the relative gene expression level, was performed after normalization to GAPDH gene expression, and results are shown as fold change compared with age-matched controls. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences.