Dissection of the gross outward current into two components. (a) Concentration–response plot to XE991 at +20 mV for Itotal, Ilinear and Iout. Ilinear can be defined as the instantaneously activated region and Iout as the slower activating component (see inset). Each point is the mean of 3–11 cells. IC50 values were 5.8, 1.2 and 16.0 μM, respectively. (b) XE991-sensitive current recordings at +20 mV determined with different concentrations of XE991. Currents were evoked by 200 ms depolarisations from −60 to +20 mV. Concentrations used were 0.1 (bi), 10 (bii) and 300 μM (biii) XE991. (c) Bar chart illustrating XE991-sensitive current amplitudes of the Itotal, Ilinear and Iout components.