Figure 1.
The secretory machinery in platelets from the VAMP knockout mouse strains. Platelet equivalents (5.0 × 107 per lane) were loaded and analyzed by Western blotting with antibodies to the indicated proteins. (A) The v-SNARE levels in platelets from the different transgenic mouse strains (wild type: WT; VAMP-2+/−: V2+/−; VAMP-3−/−: V3−/−; VAMP-2+/−/VAMP-3−/−: V2+/−/V3−/−; VAMP-8+/−: V8+/−; VAMP-8−/−: V8−/−). (B) Western blots for the indicated t-SNARE proteins and cargo proteins in WT, V8+/−, V8−/− platelets.