Percentage of cells with a net movement in the direction of flow. (A) The percentage of cells with a positive index of migration (xf) in the direction of shear was found for surfaces coated in 0.1 μg/ml E-selectin (solid bars, low-E-selectin), 1 μg/ml E-selectin (black dots, E-selectin), 1 μg/ml E-selectin + 0.5 μg/ml PECAM-1 (horizontal black stripes, low PECAM-1), 1 μg/ml E-selectin + 1 μg/ml PECAM-1 (diagonal black stripes, moderate-PECAM-1), 1 μg/ml E-selectin + 4 μg/ml PECAM-1 (vertical black stripes, high-PECAM-1), and 1 μg/ml E-selectin + 4 μg/ml ICAM-1 (checkered, ICAM-1) at 0 (first grouping), 180 (second grouping), and 1000 s−1 (third grouping). The average percentages are found from at least 4 d, and the error bars represent standard error. A two-way ANOVA and a least-squares means differences Tukey HSD test were performed using JMP 5.1 with α = 0.05 (no statistically significant differences were found).