Figure 2 .
Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) control analysis. (A) Ten synovitis tissue samples from RA patients (lanes 1-10). (B) Nine control non-arthritic knee injury samples (lanes 1-9). In both (A) and (B), the upper panel shows mRNA extraction control with β-actin PCR (466 bp) and the lower panel cDNA synthesis control with no RT enzyme (to exclude contamination with genomic DNA), but with regular PCR for β-actin. The expected size of the genomic β-actin would have been 907 bp. Samples are in same order. L indicates 100 bp DNA ladder, starting from 300 bp; N for negative PCR control without sample and C for negative PCR control without sample and primers were performed to exclude contamination of the reagents and found to be negative; P for positive PCR control of β-actin derived from breast cancer cDNA; M for negative cDNA synthesis control without RNA and R for positive cDNA synthesis control with control RNA representing in vitro transcribed RNA from the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene provided with the kit (523 bp).