Figure 4.
DMARD treatment in patients with established RA and early RA. Established RA: Lines present means (SEM) of valid answers on the frequency of DMARD usage in established RA (left score in legends); the rating scale ranged from "1" (not at all) to "5" (very frequently). Valid answers in 1997 (n = 56), 2000 (n = 44), and 2003 (n = 46) for the individual DMARDs given: 50–55/42–44/46. Early RA: Percentages given on right in legends refer to the proportion of responders who stated that they used the respective DMARD in early RA (two choices were allowed; however, percentages may not exactly add up to 200%, because some responders gave only one answer). Valid responders: 55/44/46.