Figure 3.
TBOA inhibits rat glutamate transporters without being transported. (A) Synaptic currents in astrocytes in the presence of glutamate receptor antagonists. Extracellular stimulation (20–100 μA, 100 μs) generates a current mediated by glutamate transporters, which is reduced by TBOA (200 μM) and THA (250 μM). In addition, THA generates an inward current reflecting its transport through the transporter, whereas TBOA does not. Responses are blocked by TTX, confirming their synaptic nature. (A1) Sample traces from one astrocyte. (A2) Subtraction of the TBOA trace from the Ctl trace reveals the net transporter current. Single-exponential fit is superimposed. (B) Pooled results for the change in holding current. Note that TBOA induces a small, outward current. (C) Pooled results for the inhibition of the transporter current.