Aggregate sound velocities and Poisson's ratio for MgO under high
pressures. (a) VL,
VT, and
VB are the longitudinal, transverse,
and bulk sound velocities, respectively. Symbols and solid curves are
from this study. The dotted curves are results calculated from
fluorescence side-band measurements (14); the dashed curves are
theoretical results (37). (b) Pressure dependence of
Poisson's ratio for MgO compared with different materials, including
San Carlos olivine
(3), β-Mg2SiO4
(31), solid molecular hydrogen (30), and ice VII (40). The solid curve
is the fitted result for MgO given by ν = 0.18 + 1.3
× 10−3P + 6.4 ×
10−6P2, where
P is based on the new primary pressure scale.