Table 1.
Means and Standard Deviations of Attachment and Predictor Variables
Adolescent Attachment Security Age 16 (I) | .26 | .39 |
Adolescent Attachment Security Age 18 (I) | .22 | .40 |
Maternal Attachment Security (I) | .28 | .37 |
Maternal Attunement to Teen (T) | −.80 | .27 |
Maternal Supportiveness (A) | .16 | 2.64 |
Dyadic Relatedness (O) | −.04 | 1.78 |
Overpersonalizing Behavior | .70 | .87 |
Recanting of Positions | 1.01 | .80 |
Adolescent Deidealization (A) | 21.89 | 5.72 |
Depressive Symptoms (A) | 8.88 | 9.03 |
N / % | N / % | |
Family Poverty Status | Below 200% of Pov. Line: | Above 200% of Pov. Line: |
41 / 40.6% | 60 / 59.4% |
Note: I – Coded from Interviews; T- Assessed via Test; A- Adolescent-reported; O – Observed;