AAG active-site structure. (a) The
2Fo −
Fc electron OMIT density contoured at 2σ
above the mean (purple) clearly shows the position of the flipped-out
ɛA and a bound water molecule in the active site of the E125Q/ɛA
complex. The OMIT density for the wild-type AAG/ɛA-DNA complex has
a similar appearance. (b) A superposition of the active
sites of the E125Q/ɛA-DNA (green), wild-type/ɛA DNA (red), and
wild-type/pyr-DNA (blue) complexes shows these DNAs
and the active-site water are bound in similar orientations. However,
the pyr ring has rotated to optimize the geometry of a
hydrogen bond between pyr N4′ and the bound
water. (c) The main chain amide of His-136 makes a key
hydrogen-bonding interaction with N6 of ɛA. The
N6 of an unmodified adenine would be protonated and
repelled by the His-136 amide nitrogen. The side chain of His-136
bridges between the Tyr-157 side chain and the phosphate of the ɛA
nucleotide. This fixes the position of the imidazole ring, which stacks
against the alkylated base. (d) A guanosine modeled in
the active site by superposition on the ɛA nucleotide reveals a clash
between N2 of guanine and the Asn-169 side chain (arrow).
This steric clash and the conformational constraints on the Asn-169
side chain are best visualized by examining the atomic coordinates of
the crystallized complexes (PDB ID codes 1ewn, 1f4r, and 1f6o).