Fig. 5.
CNF1 enhances hippocampal CA1 neurotransmission. Mice were injected i.c.v. 21–28 days before the experiments. (a) Input–output function at CA3–CA1 synapse (saline, n = 11; CNF1, n = 10; CNF1 C866S, n = 10) with representative traces (Left, saline; Center, CNF1 C866S; Right, CNF1). (b) PPF (saline, n = 10; CNF1, n = 8; CNF1 C866S, n = 9) at different interstimulus intervals. (c) LTP (saline, n = 11; CNF1, n = 10; CNF1 C866S, n = 10) with representative traces (Left, saline; Center, CNF1 C866S; Right, CNF1). Means ± SEM are shown. (Horizontal scale bar: 5 ms; vertical scale bar: 0.5 mV.)