Electrospray ionization-MS of (a) protonated Aβ
monomer, (b) protonated Aβ fibrils, (c)
deuterated Aβ monomer in deuterated solvent, and (d)
deuterated Aβ monomer in protonated solvent. The protein sample and
processing solution were pumped through two arms of the T at flow rates
of 2 μl/min and 18 μl/min, respectively. The final
concentration of Aβ monomer was 2.9 μM, and the equivalent
concentration of monomers from fibrils was ≈1.1 μM. Several charge
states were obtained but only the +6 charge state is shown here for
clarity. The average molecular mass (corrected by subtracting the mass
of ionizing protons or deuterons) calculated by using data from +6 and
+5 charge states is indicated for each sample.