Figure 5. Effects of probe selection on genes differentially expressed between liver and muscle.
(A) 438 transcript clusters were defined as overexpressed in liver relative to muscle, based on 3′ expression array data (see Materials and Methods).
Using gene expression indexes computed from all core probes or the selected core probes, we calculated the average gene expression fold change in three liver samples over three muscle samples.
The X-axis shows the fold change using all core probes, and the Y-axis shows the fold change using selected core probes.
The red line indicates the 45-degree line (Y = X).
(B) A magnification of (A) when the fold change computed from all core probes was less than 6.
(C) 500 transcript clusters were defined as overexpressed in muscle relative to liver, based on 3′ expression array data (see Materials and Methods).
Using gene expression indexes computed from all core probes or the selected core probes, we calculated the average gene expression fold change in three muscle samples over three liver samples.
The X-axis shows the fold change using all core probes, and the Y-axis shows the fold change using selected core probes.
The red line indicates the 45-degree line (Y = X).
(D) A magnification of (C) when the fold change computed from all core probes was less than 6.