Figure 3. Differential requirement for Lb in dorsal and ventral muscles.
A–D Muscle phenotypes observed in A, B tibia and C, D femur after 1151-Gal4 driven overexpression of Lbe. Anterior A, C and posterior B, D views from 3D reconstructed confocal scans. Muscles are visualised by MHC-tauGFP. Reconstructions were performed using Volocity 3.0 software Improvision; see also corresponding 3D Video S9. Arrows in A–D point to abnormally shaped dorsal levator muscles and the tibia reductor muscle. Within the femur C, D dorsal muscle fibres are misoriented and attached on both sides to the epithelium. Arrowheads in A, C, D indicate ectopically located muscle fibres. Within the proximal femur C, D ectopic fibres form a condensed muscle mass. E, F A 0 h APF leg disc showing Lbe expressing groups of myoblasts arrowheads. E Myoblasts that give rise to dorsal tilm and ventral tidm femur muscles are outlined. G Intensity of fluorescence measured within the outlined areas using Fluoview software Olympus. Note that ventrally located femur myoblasts express significantly higher levels of Lbe than those in the dorsal region.